Category Archives: Success Story

Stop Making Excuses – Exercise Today

Regina crosses the finish line!


Excuses, Excuses, Excuses! Stop making excuses as to WHY you can’t start exercising  today!   What exactly are you waiting for? Doylestown Adventure Boot Camp for women works with all levels of fitness and ages. You do not need to be in shape to train in boot camp. You do not need to lose weight before entering this exercise program. Just start! My boot camp motto is “ Do what you can do!”If you’re not a runner, start with power walking. If you can’t do a push up, that’s why you are here.  If you have limitations from past injuries, we work around them. JUST START!


I received a phone call 9 months ago from a lady who was interested in starting boot camp. Her goal was to lose weight, tone up, and gain strength and endurance. Regina had already lost 50 pounds before starting my class. I asked her if she runs. She said no and never has. I told her as I tell all of my campers, “Do what you can and do your best.” Week 1 – She struggled, only jogging about 50 yards.  Regina jogged further week 2 and even further week 3.  Each week she ran further than the last. Regina did not give up and was determined to work at her full capacity.  Her progress was outstanding.  Nine months later, TODAY, Regina has lost an additional 55 pounds, making her total weight loss 105 pounds and has run her first 5K race.  What’s the next challenge, 10K?


Determination is powerful.  If you want something bad enough, it is achievable. Regina was unhappy with her weight and lack of energy. She made the decision to make a change to her life and stuck with it. No one can make you exercise and eat healthy. You are the only one in control of your destiny. Only you! We all strive to be lean and strong. Who doesn’t want that? But, how bad do you want it and what are you willing to do to achieve this? Doylestown Adventure Boot Camp has worked with many motivated, determined Bucks County women over the last 11 years.   Those that wanted to make a change to their lifestyle did and so can you!


Envision yourself one year from now. Close your eyes and paint a picture in your mind. Who is the best person you can be and want to be?   What is that picture ONE YEAR from today?   Are you the same person, eating unhealthy, not exercising, lack of energy, depressed? Picture the person you really want to be and start taking the steps it takes to get there.   Take BABY STEPS!  You will get there.  You will never get stronger if you don’t strength train. You will never gain endurance by staying inactive.  If you continue to eat junk food, you will not lose weight.   When do you start? Today! Stop making excuses and start a workout regiment today! Your body needs it and will thank you for it. Make it part of your daily life.


Join our next Bucks County boot camp session at Camp Curiosity, 4425 Landisville Rd. Doylestown, PA on  Monday, April 23, 2018.   Classes run for 4 weeks ( Mon – Wed – Fri ) and start promptly at 5:30am – 6:30am.  Enlist today!  New campers are welcome to come out and try a free trial week!

Regina’s 9 month Transformation

Regina’s story is life changing!  What an inspiration to us all!
I had been neglecting myself for several years to focus on difficult family issues and by early 2017, it took its toll.  I was done putting myself last and determined, once and for all, to get into the best physical and mental shape of my life.  I started in March 2017 and made the biggest change to my diet by eliminating sugar.  Bread, pasta and desserts were daily staples that I knew I had to give up. I also gave up diet soda which was not easy. I replaced all of that with salads, proteins, nuts, eggs, vegetables and lots and lots of water.  I also knew that along with changing how and what I eat, I had to start moving.  I began with walking 3x a week and doing water aerobics 2x a week.   I started feeling more fit very quickly.  I was sleeping better, had a lot of energy and a clearer mind. Four months later I had lost 50 pounds and was ready for more of a physical challenge.   I had heard of bootcamp-type workouts and wanted to give it a try. In July I found Wendy and haven’t looked back.  Her workouts combined with the change in my diet have helped me shed another 53 pounds.  With her program I have gained muscle and strength, started running and building endurance and gained confidence to do things I never thought I could do like box jumps and 2 minutes of jumping jacks!  I’ve lost 103 lbs and my next goal is a 5k in 2018 and I know Wendy will help me get there.  She is supportive in every way and helped me get to a place I didn’t think was possible.  Thank you Wendy and my fitness family!
Thank you for sharing your journey!  You did all the work and results are well proven!  WOW!  What a transformation!
Regina came to me in hopes to join the small group evening training class held on Monday and Thursday (6pm).  The evening boot camp class is challenging!  Regina didn’t quit for one second. When the going got tough, Regina got tougher.  Every week was a new accomplishment.  Unable to jog a few yards when first starting changed quickly.  JOG, WALK, JOG a little further……With each session, I pushed a little bit  more and now, months later  Regina is able to run without stopping!  She has gained so much strength and is able to perform exercises she never thought she would ever be able to do.  You will concquer your 5k this 2018.  I have no doubt! 
Doylestown Boot Camp for Women begins the new 2018 session at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Doylestown  (5:30am 6:30am) in Bucks County Monday, January 8.  For details and registration, go to or call 908-268-6414.  Feel free to come on out and try a free trial class Monday, January 8th.
If early morning doesn’t fit your schedule, check out the mid morning (9am)  or evening  (6pm) boot camp schedule at

Aspire to Change: Before and After Boot Camp

Marnie Before & After Boot CampAspire to change!  Check out this woman’s story.

” I began boot camp in the fall of 2013.  I am down 15 pounds.  I feel more energetic and sleep much better.  I find Doylestown Adventure Boot Camp to be a very supportive and fun environment of smart and inspiring women and it has become an essential start to my day.”

Doylestown Adventure Boot Camp, (DABC) is for everyone from people that want to lose a lot of weight or to people that want to lose those last few pounds, get toned up and become stronger with more stamina.  As you can see, Marnie didn’t need to lose a lot of weight but aspired to change her body to be her best.  As many others, Marnie began boot camp with some apprehension as to how difficult she would find the program.  But, with Wendy’s guidance and the camaraderie of the women in the group, she realized that with hard work, she too could achieve her fitness goals and maintain “her fit body”  she has worked so hard to attain.

Continue reading Aspire to Change: Before and After Boot Camp