Tag Archives: goals

It’s been a while since we posted!

Image Credit: Karmun Loh, Briti...And it will probably be a while until the next post, too.  😉

A post idea hit me this morning, so I thought I would get this down on some proverbial paper. Motivation… and how to keep it going.

The start to every new year or month (heck it even seems like beginning of every new week) I tell myself, “I am going to work out 5 times a week, eat clean for every meal, lose 10 pounds in 10 minutes, sleep 8 hours every night, drink 3 liters of water every day, be happy all the time, and live life as if I am a ray of sunshine brightening everything around me.” What a load of crap.

Thinking of how to stay motivated brings me back to a business lesson that has resurfaced in my life time and time again. I must set SMART goals for myself, and I have to write it down! What’s a SMART goal you ask? Good question… let me tell you.

Continue reading It’s been a while since we posted!