Weight loss? YES! Kettlebells are for GIRLS!

There are so many benefits to kettlebell training.  If you are looking to lose weight, tone your muscles and  increase your endurance, kettlebell training is the way to go.

Kettlebells can be intimidating to someone who isn’t familiar with how they work.  Using kettlebells in your fitness regiment can challenge your body and build strength, stamina, endurance and flexibility unlike any other fitness equipment.

A common fitness goal for women is losing body fat and inches around the waist, thighs and arms.  Training with kettlebells is a fun and alternative workout that help you stay motivated and challenged.  An intense 20 minute kettlebell workout is the equivalent to jogging 3 miles.  FACT!  Design your workouts for high repetition compound movement exercsies, such as swings, snatches, high pulls, clean and press seen in the short video clip I have created.  Get down low and work those thighs!  A figure 8 is a fantastic way to tone those legs!  Not only are you scultping your body, but are increasing your metabolism by elevating your heart rate.  There is little to no rest in between sets.

Training with kettlebells is not designed to increase muscle mass, but rather the opposite.  It will build strength by increasing the amount of lean muscle tissue.  Increasing lean muscle tissue results in strength without bulk and a lean-looking appearance.  Kettlebells are effective  at increasing strength by using full body functional movements that incorporate several muscle groups for each exercise.   A 20 minute kettelbell workout can burn up to 500 calories.

Doylestown Boot Camp incorporates kettlebell training every week in it’s fitness routine.  Each and every exercise must be performed correctly as form is key.  If you are interested in learning how to train with a kettlebell, make sure you are being taught by a professional.



Hundreds of Bucks County women have enlisted in Doylestown Boot Camp to get in their best shape.  With winter upon us, Dtown Boot Camp moves to Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Doylestown. Check out the new winter schedule at www.doylestownbootcamp.com.  The next 4 week session begins October 23 – November 18 ( 5:30am – 6:30am ). #doylestownbootcamp #weightloss #fitness #kettlebell #bootcamp #buckscounty #doylestown #womenonly

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